Migrant Whistleblower Protections
Campaigning for Protections for Immigrant Whistleblowers and Undocumented Workers engaged in labor disputes and cooperating with enforcement agencies
The Issue
The Biden Administration and the Department of Homeland Security’s fails to provide temporary protections for immigrant workers involved in labor disputes, despite the urgency of their situation, unlawfully leaves vulnerable workers at risk of exploitation, deportation, and silenced voices in the fight for labor rights.
Campaign Statement
We are campaigning for stronger enforcement of labor laws and to empower all workers by urging the Biden Administration and its Department of Homeland Security to provide temporary protection from deportation to immigrant workers involved in labor disputes or reporting labor law violations. The exploitation of vulnerable immigrant workers harms all workers, families, and communities. Without protection, immigrant workers are unlikely to report or cooperate in investigations. To improve labor law enforcement in industries that exploit workers and discourage organizing, the Administration should grant confidentiality to immigrant workers applying for deferred action and temporary work authorization during labor disputes. Fear of arrest and deportation deters workers from reporting violations. Effective policy must ensure that the information provided by workers is not used against them once temporary protection ends. We are also campaigning to end illegal immigrant child labor, which impacts tens of thousands of youth every year.
Call for Action
On January 13, 2023, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) finally responded to demands to increase the availability of immigration protection for workers engaged in labor disputes by issuing new DHS guidelines that may increase the ability of some workers to obtain temporary protection from arrest and deportation by way of “deferred action status” and temporary work permits.
Overall, the January announcement by DHS is a step forward but falls short in protecting immigrant workers and enforcing labor laws. Although the announcement strengthens existing policies, it does not go far enough. Workers have gained some protections, but there is still more to be won. For workers to have the ability to address unlawful labor practices and act collectively, protection should be available to a significant number of workers, temporary protection information should not be used for deportation, and temporary work permits should be promptly issued. Requiring workers to work illegally while cooperating with government agencies discourages witness cooperation and invites exploitation.
DHS Policy Highlights
Brinda pautas generales sobre cómo las agencias estatales y locales encargadas de hacer cumplir la ley laboral pueden presentar al DHS "Declaraciones de interés", en esencia solicitando que el DHS considere otorgar a ciertos trabajadores (i) el estado de acción diferida (es decir, suspensión temporal del arresto o deportación) y (ii ) el derecho a solicitar un permiso de trabajo temporal. Durante muchos años, la política ya ha sido que las agencias federales, como el DOL, la NLRB, la EEOC y el DOJ, podían realizar tales solicitudes y no impedían que los estados lo hicieran. El anuncio simplemente deja en claro que los estados pueden realizar tales solicitudes y proporciona una lista de la información necesaria y una dirección de correo electrónico para enviar solicitudes.
Brinda pautas generales sobre cómo las agencias estatales y locales encargadas de hacer cumplir la ley laboral pueden presentar al DHS "Declaraciones de interés", en esencia solicitando que el DHS considere otorgar a ciertos trabajadores (i) el estado de acción diferida (es decir, suspensión temporal del arresto o deportación) y (ii ) el derecho a solicitar un permiso de trabajo temporal. Durante muchos años, la política ya ha sido que las agencias federales, como el DOL, la NLRB, la EEOC y el DOJ, podían realizar tales solicitudes y no impedían que los estados lo hicieran. El anuncio simplemente deja en claro que los estados pueden realizar tales solicitudes y proporciona una lista de la información necesaria y una dirección de correo electrónico para enviar solicitudes.
Brinda pautas generales sobre cómo las agencias estatales y locales encargadas de hacer cumplir la ley laboral pueden presentar al DHS "Declaraciones de interés", en esencia solicitando que el DHS considere otorgar a ciertos trabajadores (i) el estado de acción diferida (es decir, suspensión temporal del arresto o deportación) y (ii ) el derecho a solicitar un permiso de trabajo temporal. Durante muchos años, la política ya ha sido que las agencias federales, como el DOL, la NLRB, la EEOC y el DOJ, podían realizar tales solicitudes y no impedían que los estados lo hicieran. El anuncio simplemente deja en claro que los estados pueden realizar tales solicitudes y proporciona una lista de la información necesaria y una dirección de correo electrónico para enviar solicitudes.
Advocacy to Strengthen Policy
Brinda pautas generales sobre cómo las agencias estatales y locales encargadas de hacer cumplir la ley laboral pueden presentar al DHS "Declaraciones de interés", en esencia solicitando que el DHS considere otorgar a ciertos trabajadores (i) el estado de acción diferida (es decir, suspensión temporal del arresto o deportación) y (ii ) el derecho a solicitar un permiso de trabajo temporal. Durante muchos años, la política ya ha sido que las agencias federales, como el DOL, la NLRB, la EEOC y el DOJ, podían realizar tales solicitudes y no impedían que los estados lo hicieran. El anuncio simplemente deja en claro que los estados pueden realizar tales solicitudes y proporciona una lista de la información necesaria y una dirección de correo electrónico para enviar solicitudes.
Brinda pautas generales sobre cómo las agencias estatales y locales encargadas de hacer cumplir la ley laboral pueden presentar al DHS "Declaraciones de interés", en esencia solicitando que el DHS considere otorgar a ciertos trabajadores (i) el estado de acción diferida (es decir, suspensión temporal del arresto o deportación) y (ii ) el derecho a solicitar un permiso de trabajo temporal. Durante muchos años, la política ya ha sido que las agencias federales, como el DOL, la NLRB, la EEOC y el DOJ, podían realizar tales solicitudes y no impedían que los estados lo hicieran. El anuncio simplemente deja en claro que los estados pueden realizar tales solicitudes y proporciona una lista de la información necesaria y una dirección de correo electrónico para enviar solicitudes.
Brinda pautas generales sobre cómo las agencias estatales y locales encargadas de hacer cumplir la ley laboral pueden presentar al DHS "Declaraciones de interés", en esencia solicitando que el DHS considere otorgar a ciertos trabajadores (i) el estado de acción diferida (es decir, suspensión temporal del arresto o deportación) y (ii ) el derecho a solicitar un permiso de trabajo temporal. Durante muchos años, la política ya ha sido que las agencias federales, como el DOL, la NLRB, la EEOC y el DOJ, podían realizar tales solicitudes y no impedían que los estados lo hicieran. El anuncio simplemente deja en claro que los estados pueden realizar tales solicitudes y proporciona una lista de la información necesaria y una dirección de correo electrónico para enviar solicitudes.
Brinda pautas generales sobre cómo las agencias estatales y locales encargadas de hacer cumplir la ley laboral pueden presentar al DHS "Declaraciones de interés", en esencia solicitando que el DHS considere otorgar a ciertos trabajadores (i) el estado de acción diferida (es decir, suspensión temporal del arresto o deportación) y (ii ) el derecho a solicitar un permiso de trabajo temporal. Durante muchos años, la política ya ha sido que las agencias federales, como el DOL, la NLRB, la EEOC y el DOJ, podían realizar tales solicitudes y no impedían que los estados lo hicieran. El anuncio simplemente deja en claro que los estados pueden realizar tales solicitudes y proporciona una lista de la información necesaria y una dirección de correo electrónico para enviar solicitudes.
Immigrant Child Labor in the U.S.
Child labor is a persistent issue in the United States that annually affects tens of thousands of immigrant children and youth. Immigrant children and youth are almost universally subject to labor law violations and exploitation because they do not possess work permits and are afraid to report or cooperate in the investigation of labor law violations. Immigrant child labor frequently has severe physical and psychological emotional consequences on those abused and exploited on the job.
While recent media reports regarding immigrant child labor have focused on the Office of Refugee Resettlment's placement of unaccompanied minors with unrelated adults who later forced children into exploitative labor situations, these cases are relatively rare and ORR is taking steps to better vet unrelated adults before placing children with them.
On the other hand, thousands of immigrant youth released by ORR to their family members living in the U.S. are daily exploited by unscrupulous employers because they lack employment authorization and are therefore working in underground jobs without labor protections.
In 2022 ORR released over 100,000 unaccompanied children to relatives living in the U.S. In the same year, about 40,000 of these children who were abused, abandoned, or neglected in their home countries, filed petitions with the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) applying for Special Immigrant Juvenile (SIJ) status.
In 8 U.S.C. section 1232(d)2 Congress required that USCIS "shall" adjudicate SIJ protections within 180 days. USCIS currently approves 95% of all SIJ petitions and these applicants are generally granted deferred action status (DAS) and may then apply for employment authorization.
However, USCIS routinely fails to comply with the 180-day mandate and therefore delays the ability of young immigrant workers to apply for and receive employment authorization. This unlawful delay takes place despite a permanent junction issued on behalf of all SIJ applicants in the state of Washington in the case of Galvez v. Jaddou, 52 F.4th 821 (No. 20-36052) (9th Circuit, November 3, 2022). The delay in adjudicating thousands of SIJ petitions in states other than Washington is currently being challenged in the case of Casa Libre v. Mayorkas, case number 2:22-cv-01510-ODW-JPR US District Court for the Central District of California).
DHS/USCIS would substantially decrease the illegal exploitation of young immigrant workers by complying with federal law and adjudicating SIJ petitions within 180 days.
DHS/USCIS could further protect young immigrant workers from experiencing labor law violations by granting applicants who file prima facia approvable petitions the right to apply for employment authorization before their petitions are fully adjudicated. DHS/UCSIC already grants victims of trafficking who file approvable visa petitions the right to apply for employment authorization before adjudicating their visa petitions. Extending the same policy to young SIJ petitioners of working age would substantially decrease their exploitation at workplaces and encourage them to report and cooperate in the investigation of labor law violations.
Forms of Immigrant Child Labor
Immigrant child labor takes many forms, including agricultural, domestic, and sweatshop labor. Children in agriculture often work long hours in harsh conditions, putting their health and safety at risk. Domestic work is another common form of immigrant child labor, with children often working as nannies, cleaners, or cooks in private homes. Children who work in sweatshops or factories may be exposed to hazardous materials and dangerous machinery, putting their physical and emotional well-being at risk.
Consequences of Child Labor
The consequences of immigrant child labor can be severe and long-lasting. Children who work are often denied access to education, which can limit their opportunities for the future. Working in hazardous or exploitative conditions can also significantly impact a child's physical and emotional health, leading to injuries, illnesses, and trauma. Immigrant child labor can also perpetuate the cycle of poverty, trapping families in low-paying, exploitative work that provides little opportunity for advancement.
Solutions to Child Labor
Addressing the issue of immigrant child labor requires a comprehensive approach that tackles the root causes of the problem. Some potential solutions include increasing access to education and social services for immigrant families, enforcing labor laws and regulations, and creating pathways to legal status for undocumented immigrants. Advocacy and awareness-raising campaigns can also play a role in highlighting the issue of immigrant child labor and calling for change. DHS/USCIS can reduce the illegal exploitation of young immigrant workers by following federal law and processing SIJ petitions within 180 days. Additionally, granting employment authorization to applicants who file prima facia approvable petitions before their petitions are fully adjudicated could further protect young immigrant workers from labor law violations. Currently, victims of trafficking who file approvable visa petitions are eligible for employment authorization before their visa petitions are adjudicated, and extending the same policy to young SIJ petitioners of working age could reduce their exploitation at workplaces and encourage them to report and cooperate in the investigation of labor law violations.
Congressional Hearings on the Issue of Child Labor for Migrants
April 18, 2023 House Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs
Hearing on Oversight of the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s Unaccompanied Alien Children Program
Witness: Robin Dunn Marcos, Director, Office of Refugee Resettlement, Administration for Children and Families U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Director Marcos testified how these children are vulnerable to being exploited due to their lack of work permits and legal status. Additionally, USCIS's failure to adjudicate Special Immigrant Juvenile (SIJ) petitions within the 180-day mandate delays the ability of young immigrant workers to apply for and receive employment authorization. Dunn Marcos provides recommendations for how to address these issues, including granting employment authorization to SIJ petitioners who file prima facia approvable petitions and expanding the SIJ program to include individuals up to the age of 25.
Link to video of the hearing. Link to copy of testimony.
April 18, 2023, House Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs, Oversight of the Office of Refugee Resettlement's Unaccompanied Alien Children Program, Witness: Robin Dunn Marcos, Director, Office of Refugee Resettlement, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Director Marcos provided testimony on the vulnerability of unaccompanied alien children to labor exploitation and USCIS's failure to adjudicate Special Immigrant Juvenile (SIJ) petitions within the 180-day mandate, which delays their ability to apply for and receive employment authorization. Marcos recommended granting employment authorization to SIJ petitioners who file prima facia approvable petitions and expanding the SIJ program to individuals up to the age of 25.
Link to video of the hearing. Link to copy of testimony.
On May 4, 2023, the Subcommittee on Health, Energy and Commerce held a hearing to discuss the oversight of unaccompanied minors by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Witnesses testified on the management of grants and contracts related to the Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) program, the quality of care provided to UAC, and the coordination of UAC care across federal agencies. The hearing also discussed the role of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in providing healthcare services to UAC.
Current Child Labor Laws
In recent years, the United States has taken steps to increase protections for minors in the workplace. Congress has made a bipartisan effort to raise the penalties for child labor violations, while state legislatures have raised the minimum age for certain types of work that were previously prohibited for minors. These changes reflect a growing recognition of the importance of protecting children from exploitation and ensuring they are safe and healthy while learning and growing.
To protect minors from harm, the Department of Labor has regulations that prohibit them from working in hazardous jobs that involve heavy machinery, hazardous chemicals, and construction or demolition work. Violating these regulations can result in fines or even criminal penalties for employers. Additionally, minors are subject to restrictions on the number of hours worked and the times of day they are allowed to work.
In some cases, minors may be able to obtain permits to work in certain hazardous jobs under certain conditions. These permits require specific conditions to be met, such as the provision of safety equipment and the presence of a qualified adult supervisor.
Employers have a responsibility to maintain records related to minors they employ and post notices about child labor laws. Workers have the right to report violations of labor laws to the Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor.
It is important for employers and workers to understand these regulations to ensure that minors are protected from potential harm in the workplace. By working together, employers and workers can help ensure that young workers are protected and able to learn and grow in a safe and healthy workplace.
Moves to Increase Regulations
In March and April of 2023, several bills and initiatives were proposed to strengthen protections for minors against child labor violations. Reports showed that such violations in hazardous occupations had increased by 70% since 2018. One of the proposed bipartisan bills, introduced by Congresswomen Hillary Scholten and Nancy Mace, would increase the maximum penalty for employers who knowingly violate child labor laws from $13,892 to $50,000 per violation. The bill would also provide additional resources to the Department of Labor to enforce the law and strengthen its authority to investigate and prosecute violations.
The proposed legislation includes provisions to ensure that minors are not employed in hazardous occupations that are prohibited by law, and to require employers to post notices of their child labor obligations in the workplace. In April 2023, Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett and other lawmakers introduced the Child Labor Exploitation Accountability Act, which would prohibit the US Department of Agriculture from engaging in contracts with companies that have violated labor laws or contracted with vendors who have failed to rectify serious labor infractions.
Also in March 2023, the US Departments of Labor and Health and Human Services announced additional steps to tackle child labor violations and strengthen coordination. The agencies will increase training and outreach efforts to educate employers and workers about child labor laws and regulations. Investigations will be increased through collaboration between federal and state agencies, and new resources will be provided to employers and workers, such as information on hazard assessments and safety plans. The agencies will also share data more effectively to target investigations and enforcement actions, aiming to ensure that children are protected from exploitation in the workplace and that employers are held accountable for violations of child labor laws.
Moves to Decrease Regulations
Some state legislatures in the US are proposing or enacting laws that weaken labor protections for young workers, such as allowing them to work longer hours and in hazardous industries. States that have cut funding for agencies that enforce child labor laws include Kentucky, Tennessee, and Wisconsin. The Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA), a Florida-based think tank, is campaigning to rewrite child labor laws to allow more young people to work in hazardous industries, such as logging and roofing, and for longer hours. The proposed revisions include lowering the minimum age for certain jobs, such as operating chainsaws, and allowing more teens to work in jobs that involve driving. Proponents argue that these changes would provide more job opportunities for young people and teach them valuable skills. However, opponents argue that these laws put young workers at risk and undermine important labor protections. States that are enacting or proposing these laws include Arizona, Kentucky, Missouri, Montana, and West Virginia. These actions could potentially harm the safety and well-being of young workers and undermine the progress made in protecting them from exploitation in the workplace.
*Toolkit last updated 2023
Legal Violations & Seeking Legal Assistance
Immigrant workers without documentation who cooperate with state or federal agencies to identify and prosecute labor violations may be eligible for deferred action. This means that they can request temporary protection from deportation and receive work authorization.
Representatives: Use the information below to identify the appropriate agency to assist with a particular labor dispute and to find guidance on requesting certifications in support of applications for U Nonimmigrant Status and Nonimmigrant Status visas from that agency.
Workers: Use the information below to find out where you can report labor violations. If possible, consult an attorney first.
Advocates: Join CHRCL in building a network of agencies, officials, and representatives working to protect immigrant workers.
U.S. Department of Labor
Frequently Asked Questions issued by the Department of Labor (DOL) on July 6, 2022, which can be accessed here. The DOL advised that these FAQs are applicable to these divisions of the Department:
1. Wage & Hour Division (WHD): The WHD enforces
a. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which establishes employment standards and regulations to protect workers in both the private and public sector, including minimum wage, limits on child labor;
b. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA),
c. Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act (MSPA) which protects migrant and seasonal workers by establishing employment standards related to wages, houses, transportation, disclosures, and record keeping, and enforcing H-2A standards.
d. Field Sanitation Provisions of OSHA, that provide standards in agriculture for toilets, potable drinking water, hand-washing facilities.
e. WHD has the power to issue U and T Visa certifications, as provided here.
2. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), enforces the Occupational Safety and Health Act and adopts regulations to set enforcement policy, engages in targeted inspection programs, responds to fatalities, catastrophes, and complaints. OSHA covers most private sector employers and their workers and some public sector employers and workers in the 50 states and some territories.
3. Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) holds those who do business with the federal governments as contractors or subcontractors responsible for complying with the legal requirement to take affirmative action and not discriminate based on race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, disability, or status as a protected veteran. These contractors are barred from discharging or discriminating against applicants or employees who inquire about, discuss or disclose their compensation to others.
4. Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) enforces the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA) to ensure basic standards of union democracy and labor management transparency.
Memorandum dated February 13, 2023, issued by DOL Sec. of Labor Marty Walsh gives OSHA the authority to issue certifications in support of applications for U Nonimmigrant Status and Nonimmigrant Status visas, which can be accessed here. The Wage and Hour Division already had such authority.
Equal Employment Oppurtunity
Frequently Asked Questions issued by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) on February 22, 2023, explain the process for an individual to secure a Statement of Interest/Letter of Support from the EEOC, which can be accessed here. In some cases it is not necessary to file an EEOC charge.
The EEOC enforces Title VII which bars discrimination in employment based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, transgender status, and sexual orientation), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information. It also enforces the Americans with Disabilities Act, Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Equal Pay Act, and Pregnancy Discrimination Act.
National Labor Relations Board
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is an independent federal agency with the power to safeguard employees’ rights to organize, engage with others to seek better conditions, decide whether to have union representation, and prosecutes those who violate those rights by committing unfair labor practices as defined by the National Labor Relations Act. The NLRB’s General Counsel Jennifer A. Abruzzo is charged with prosecuting employers who violate those rights, and has taken affirmative steps to provide immigration protection to undocumented and other vulnerable noncitizens, as set forth below, including creating a process for workers and their representatives request a Statement of Support from their local Regional Director. Relevant documents include:
i. General Counsel Abruzzo issued Memo GC 22-01, dated November 8, 2021, entitled Ensuring Rights and Remedies for Immigrant Workers Under the NLRA, can be accessed here. It refers to DHS Secretary Alejandro Policy Statement of Oct. 12, 2021, and based on that “upon request by a charging party or witness, the NLRB will seek immigration relief, including deferred action, continued presence, U or T status, a stay of removal, or other relief as available and appropriate, to protect these workers in the exercise of their statutory rights. It also states that individuals or their representatives can indicate the need for such relief to the NLRB Regional Office involved or to the NLRB’s Immigration Team. It also states that the NLRB will continue to certify requests for U and T petitions for individuals who have been helpful to NLRB investigation or litigation and have suffered harm as a victim of a qualifying crime.
ii. Asst. General Counsel Sullivan issued Operations Management(OM) Memo 22-09, dated May 2, 2022, entitled Ensuring Safe and Dignified Access for Immigrant Workers to NLRB Processes. This can be accessed here. It provides a fact sheet for immigrant witnesses in Spanish and English, and explains that NLRB agents will explain that their immigration status is not relevant to its investigation, that they will not ask workers about their status, and that if the charged party engages in conduct relating to immigration or work authorization status which threatens to undermine the Board’s work, the NLRB’s Immigration Team must be notified.
iii. Gen. Counsel Abruzzo issued Memo GC 21-07 on Sept. 15, 2021, entitled Full Remedies in Settlement Agreements, which can be accessed at this link. This provides that it is crucial in cases involving immigrant workers that the NLRB seek settlement agreements with all possible remedies to ensure that these employees are provided the fullest relief. For example, if the employer’s unfair labor practice causes the loss of an employee’s work authorization, that they seek at the very least a provision requiring the employer to sponsor the affected employee on a non-immigrant visa, and reimburse the employee for legal fees, application fees, and travel costs that the affected employee may incur in seeking to regain a lost work authorization. Additionally, where an employer misused the E-Verify system in an unlawfully discriminatory manner, the Region should require a DOJ training of all its managers and supervisors.
iv. NLRB’s Guidance on Immigrant Worker Rights, explaining that it protects the rights of employees regardless of immigration status can be accessed here.
1. It states that where there is an ongoing NLRB investigation or enforcement action at a worksite, and the immigrant worker or their representatives tells the NLRB agent that immigration relief is necessary at that worksite to protect workers who are, or may be willing to cooperate with the NLRB’s investigation or enforcement action, but who may fear for doing so, they can make a request that the NLRB issue a Statement of Interest, which employees can use in requesting deferred action from the DHS. Requests to the NLRB for a Statement of Interest for a particular worksite should be directed to any of the following: (1) NLRB agent investigating the case; (2) the Immigration Coordinator in the Region; (3) the Regional Director; or (4) the NLRB Immigration Team in Washington DC (Immigration.Team@nlrb.gov), including the NLRB case number, worksite location, and the employer’s name.
2. It further states that the NLRB will also consider completing U visa and T visa certifications in appropriate cases, and these should be directed to the NLRB Immigration Team (Immigration.Team@nlrb.gov)
v. NLRB Operations Management (OM) Memo 11-62, dated June 7, 2011, by Associate General Counsel Richard Siegel, entitled “Updated Procedures in Addressing Immigration Status Issues that Arise During NLRB Proceedings,” can be accessed here. It notes that where immigration status is one of particular significance, the NLRB may ask DHS’s subagencies (USCIS, ICE, CBP) for U or T visa remedies, or “favorably exercise discretion in order to assist the NLRB in the enforcement of the NLRA”, deferring immigration actions during the pendency of the NLRB proceeding, and/or releasing individuals from custody or providing access to witnesses in custody. This can be accessed here.
vi. NLRB General Counsel Memo GC 02-06, entitled Procedures and Remedies for Discriminates Who May be Undocumented Aliens after Hoffman Plastic Compounds, Inc.
vii. NLRB Notice entitled: Important Information About NLRB Investigations for Immigrant Workers (English) can be accessed here. The Spanish version can be accessed here.
viii. NLRB Know Your Workplace Rights: Immigrant Workers, which states that: (1) immigrants are protected under the NLRA regardless of immigrant status, (2) that the NLRB will not ask them about their immigration status, (3) that the NLRB will not share information with the DHS or ICE, unless they ask it to as part of a request for relief, and (4) that if they tell the NLRB there is a need for protection at a worksite, it may be able to provide documentation to assist them in applying for deferred action or other relief. The card in English can be accessed here.
ix. NLRB maintains a Spanish-language website, which can be accessed here.
x. NLRB also has foreign language: (1) NLRB informational pamphlets in Spanish, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Korean, Russian, Somali, and Vietnamese; (2) one page Immigrant Employee Rights in Spanish, Arabic, Haitian Creole, Korean, Polish, Russian, Tagalog, and Vietnamese ; and (3) EEOC Fact Sheet: Retaliation Based on Exercise of Workplace Rights Is Unlawful in Arabic, Haitian Creole, French, Hindi, Hmong, Korean, Chinese, Portuguese, Punjab, Russian, Tagalog, Urdu, and Vietnamese. These publications can be accessed here.
CA Department of Industrial Relations
CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS. The Department Director is Katie Hagen, and she oversees the work related agencies including the following, which have issued Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) in response to the DHS guidance of January 13, 2023, explaining how immigrant workers and their representatives can obtain a Statement of Support for the purpose of obtaining deferred action status, a work permit, or other immigration relief.
i. California Labor Commissioner’s Office (LCO), also known as the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE), is led by Commissioner Lilia Garcia-Brower is responsible for enforcing labor laws, combatting wage theft, protecting workers from retaliation.
1. LCO/DLSE has issued Frequently Asked Questions on LCO’s Role in Supporting Immigration-Related Prosecutorial Discretion, which can be accessed in English here, and in Spanish here.
2. The LCO/DLSE handles claims filed in its office, and also maintains a Bureau of Field Enforcement (BOFE) which conducts field investigations of civil and criminal violations of state law affecting groups of workers, including workers compensation fraud, child labor, cash pay, minimum wage and overtime claims. BOFE also has a Public Works Unit that investigates and enforces prevailing wage rates for public construction projects.
3. The LCO/DLSE is part of a Labor Employment Task Force (LETF), a coalition of State enforcement agencies that work with local agencies to combat the underground economy, including failure to pay wages and to provide safe and healthy workplaces. LETF has produced an 8 page pamphlet (printable and available for mobile phones) for workers in both English (here) and Spanish (here), which covers such issues as these: (a) rest and meal breaks; (b) minimum wage and overtime; (c) safe and healthy jobs; (d) how to take action without being punished; and (f) benefits in case of injury or unemployment.
ii. California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH or Cal/OSHA). It conducts inspections and issues citations for hazards and unsafe conditions impacting millions of employees.
1. Cal/OSHA issued its Frequently Asked Questions on Cal/OSHA’s Role in Supporting Immigration-Related Prosecutorial Discretion, which can be accessed here for the English, and here for the Spanish. If a worker believes Cal/OSHA has an active inspection or appeal pending with their employer, they can send a request to DOSHStatementRequests@dir.ca.gov with the subject line “Request for Submission of Statement of Interest.” A request may be made by a worker, advocate, or rep and can be for a group of workers.
CA Agricultural Relations Board
CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD (ALRB) protects the rights of agricultural employees to engage in collective action, with or without a union, to improve their wages and conditions of employment.
i. Workers or their advocates can file unfair labor practice charges with the ALRB if they believe their employer has engaged in unlawful conduct. The charges will be investigated by the General Counsel who may issue a Complaint, triggering a hearing before an ALJ, and a final decision by the Board. The ALRB also conducts elections enabling workers to vote on whether to be represented by a union.
ii. The ALRB issued Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on ALRB’s Role in Supporting Immigration-Related Prosecutorial Discretion, which can be accessed here. The ALRB posted FAQs regarding its support of workers in the deferred action process, which can be found here for the English and here for the Spanish.
CA Civil Rights Department
CALIFORNIA CIVIL RIGHTS DEPARTMENT (CRD) enforces state laws that apply to all business practices, including advertisements, applications, hiring, transferring, promoting terminating, layoffs, working conditions, compensation, participation in training or apprenticeship programs, employee organizations, or unions. Among the statutes it enforces are the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), the California Family Rights Act (CFRA). To date, it has not issued any guidance on how workers or their advocates on the CRD’s role in supporting immigration-related prosecutorial discretion.
Related Links
July 2022 - CHRCL, elected officials, and several organizations forward a detailed letter to the secretaries of DHS and DOL regarding developing stronger policies.
January 2023 - DHS responds to demands with updated DHS guidelines.
January 2023 - CHRCL's analysis of DHS's January guidelines and call to action.
February 2023 - New York Times article on the severity of immigrant children workers.
February 2023 - New York Times Biden Administration Plans Crackdown on Migrant Child Labor
April 2023 - New York Times article on changes being made, but lack of oversight from the government regarding child labor.
April 2023 - New York Times: Alone and Exploited, Migrant Children Work Brutal Jobs Across the U.S.
April 2023 - New York Times: As Migrant Children Were Put to Work, U.S. Ignored
May 2023 - NPR: Amid a child labor crisis, U.S. state governments are loosening regulations